How to Travel the World: Online Edition

Posted by Carl on December 12, 2008

I am the first to admit that traveling overseas for the first time comes with a lot of uncertainty. Without experience, all the planning and preparation is nothing but a lot of educated guesses. Forgetting something or making the wrong decision could be the difference between a good backpacking experience or a bad one.

This online book is for the first time backpacker to get started. I have backpacked to over 30 counties around the world and have gained a lot of experience in how to travel. I have taken everything I have learned about the art of backpacking and wrote it down in one easy to read book. Everything contained in this book will help ensure a safe and enjoyable backpacking experience.

Introduction starts you out by learning what a backpacker is and what backpacking is all about. What is it like when someone backpacks around the world? What do backpackers do? It is a good idea to see if backpacking is a type of travel you might be interested in before you start.

Getting Started You are going to need information on getting started, before you start your backpacking trip. I dedicate a complete section on what to do before you start traveling: how to pack, getting travel visa’s, picking where to go, when to leave, choosing the best insurance, picking the proper gear, what to do with your money, etc. Knowing how to correctly prepare could help you avoid potential problems while overseas.

On the Road While you are on the road you are going to face the ‘big unknown’. You are going to be put in front of daily challenges such as how to find a place to stay, where to eat, how to get help, what to do when you cross a border, etc. This is what you need to know while you are traveling.

Comming home Finally, when you come home, you are now going to readjusting to your previous life. After such an experience you may encounter reverse-culture shock, the travel bug, etc. and I will give you some suggestions on how to fit in again.

A guidebook will only show you what is to see and do in a country. It will not show you how to travel.

Disclaimer: Everything contained within this book is based on my personal experiences and a very small amount of research once I arrived home. I tried to provide the best advice I could. Please understand that this book cannot guarantee that you will have a positive experience while backpacking. My goal is to give you the boost you need to help with a lot of the unknowns when first starting out. I encourage you to find your own style of backpacking that will work for you. And remember, that this book is like a smorgasbord, take what you want and leave the rest.